Turn your leisure time (or incorporate your work time) into a 2nd income that works for you, small businesses, good corporate citizens and the community.
The GROW4CARE Alliance is 100% devoted and committed to creating community connectivity with every entity that's open to assisting. This includes individuals, families, organizations, small businesses and large corporations. The G4C team goes through an exhaustive effort to ensure our community care partners are professional, reliable and good at what they do.
Houston Security Systems, LLC is one such company.
BECOME A "GROW4CARE Brand Ambassador" TODAY to help this small business become as big as they desire to be.
THREE DIFFERENT WAYS to Earn with Houston Security Systems, LLC.
Spotters SPOT commercial or residential security system installation opportunities. That "spotting" occurs when one notices ANY semblance of current or prior security system installation. A lawn sign (the easiest & quickest), window decal, and/or security system (keypad, motion detector, window/door contact) item. Once any of these elements are spotted, a text message is sent to one of our researchers.
Without Spotters, the sales process never gets started.
Researchers RESEARCH information THEY'VE acquired on their OWN...OR information forwarded to them per a Spotter's activity. Researchers take time to find contact information about the potential client that's been found or forwarded. Name and contact number is what's needed most but an email address CAN BE helpful, but not as much as an active phone number.
A good researcher makes a spotter's job easier, more fulfilling and successful.
Connectors CONNECT the information provided by the Spotters and Researchers to make the potential customer/client an actual customer/ client. As this role is the only of the three that requires an actual conversation take place, a Connector will most certainly be the outgoing/"people person" type to get this done.
While a Connector can control the entire sales process, good Spotters & Researchers definitely makes things easier...and quicker.